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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Taking the high road....The road less traveled

Strawberry or Blueberry scone? Asked the guy behind the counter. Which one is the least popular? I retorted back. Strawberry, he says. Give me the strawberry then. This morning, I was determined to take the path less traveled, even show some love for the underdogs. Why do strawberry scones get such a bum rap? Now, all of a sudden strawberries aren't as popular as their blue ball shaped brothers? Is it because they are more accessible than all the other berries out there?

I swear I have a point, at least I thought I had one. So, popularity, eh? What and who determines that? Is it the collective media? Oprah? Ellen? The Pope? Michelle Obama? Bill O'Reilly? Justin Bieber? Beyonce? Who dictates how things should be done and where it should be done and what should be done? Who invented the word NORMAL? and what is the definition of NORMAL? Wikipedia says Normal is defined as: Conformance to an average. Wow, so, the whole point of all of this is to conform to the average? ha! Isn't the whole point of getting an education and a career afterwards, is NOT to be average? You don't hear people say: I want to grow up and be an average person with an average salary and get an average job. Most of us dream of ABOVE average dreams. Now, making that happen is a whole new can of worms.

I don't want to be normal, I want to be different not for different sake but to be different because I can. Because to me being average is unacceptable. I want to like what I like because I like it, not because someone said that's what I should like. I want to be free of judgment, free of worries about what other people may think. I want to be free.

When someone says, that's what normal people do or that's how normal relationships are. Uhm, here's a question? WHY in this world, would you want to be like 6.7 billion people? We dont want to have the same shirt as the next guy in the same party and yet we want to be normal. It's one or the other, you're either the average of all the girls/guys in a party or you're not. You can't want to be normal and be surprised when someone shows up at a party wearing the same thing you are wearing. It's bound to happen, guy! Unless of course, you make your own clothing from rice sacks - but even then, you may, on the other side of the world find someone wearing that as well. Who cares if your co worker got the same dress as you- that's bound to happen too, news flash: Manufacturers and designers made more than one, it's called CAPITALISM, check it out. You are a walking statement, so, better make sure your statement is congruent and not be a walking contradiction.

All these things I am using as a metaphor, cause, surely, you dont think I am only talking about dresses and shirts and scones. I am talking about something deeper. I am talking about living your life how you want to live it. Free of worries, free of societies judging eyes, free of conformity, free of the Ebert and Roepers of the world. You determine what is right for you, you determine what is good for you, you rule your world. After all, this is YOUR life and you only get ONE. Be true to yourself because honesty starts from within, because honesty IS still the best policy.

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