Independence, self-reliance and a sense of self worth - these are things that most of us women need to chant to ourselves, heck, chant it everywhere, before bed, as you wake up in the morning, when looking at yourself in the mirror, while bathing, when you're bored. Chant it until it becomes your truth.
So many of us are debilitated by a disease called "princess syndrome" - it's symptoms can vary from mild to severe depending on the woman's upbringing, looks, environment, friends, and psyche. Unfortunately, the better looking a woman is the more entitled she feels of things she didn't even work for. This is a sad truth. Why do so many of us feel entitled to "things" we didn't work for? Why do so many of us feel that we should get a free ride? Why do so many of us feel we deserve an expensive car, designer purses, designer clothes and shoes from our husbands/boyfriends. Do we not have enough self respect to get our own things? Or enough intelligence to be financially independent? I'm not talking about gifts that are freely given to us on birthdays, anniversaries, etc. I am talking about women who EXPECT when they ask or better yet expect men to read their minds and if they don't get what they want they throw a fit. Men are not BANK ACCOUNTS neither are they psychics. They work just as hard for their money as women do. This does not apply (of course) to married couples who have pre arrangements on how to live their married lives.
I know many woman who are intelligent, self sufficient, articulate and beautiful and most of them are my friends (only because I choose to surround myself with people who are like me) BUT for every one of these women there are 10 who belong to the GDAW (Gold Diggers Association of the World) Women who prey on unsuspecting victims and latches on and sucks it's victim's blood dry. Why oh why? Women fought for equality for the longest time for us, so we can vote, and hold jobs, and pee standing up if we want to - why ruin that for a Gucci purse? How much is your soul worth? Jimmy Choo = Dignity? I think not.
Sadly, I still encounter women who can spot a fake designer bag from 50 feet away but does not know the difference between a ROTH IRA and a traditional IRA, or the difference between an adjusted gross income and an earned income. Most of these women probably have never heard the word income and their name in the same sentence. These are the same women who wonder why there are no good men out there - well, they are all traumatized by women who take and take and never give anything back. Where are the good men? They are out pursuing women who are self reliant and have their own hobbies. Hobbies by the way, isn't collecting designer purses from boyfriends or innocent bystanders.
So, this I say, with loving kindness to all my girls out there. If, while reading this, you felt a slight twinge of guilt, it's probably time to re- position your goals in life and if it didn't - good luck with your search. As I say, live your life however you want to but never take anything that doesn't belong to you and never take credit for something you didn't work for. Always lead an honest, wholesome and positive lifestyle - one you can create without the help of a man's bank account.
Don't wait for a prince to save you, save yourself.
So many of us are debilitated by a disease called "princess syndrome" - it's symptoms can vary from mild to severe depending on the woman's upbringing, looks, environment, friends, and psyche. Unfortunately, the better looking a woman is the more entitled she feels of things she didn't even work for. This is a sad truth. Why do so many of us feel entitled to "things" we didn't work for? Why do so many of us feel that we should get a free ride? Why do so many of us feel we deserve an expensive car, designer purses, designer clothes and shoes from our husbands/boyfriends. Do we not have enough self respect to get our own things? Or enough intelligence to be financially independent? I'm not talking about gifts that are freely given to us on birthdays, anniversaries, etc. I am talking about women who EXPECT when they ask or better yet expect men to read their minds and if they don't get what they want they throw a fit. Men are not BANK ACCOUNTS neither are they psychics. They work just as hard for their money as women do. This does not apply (of course) to married couples who have pre arrangements on how to live their married lives.
I know many woman who are intelligent, self sufficient, articulate and beautiful and most of them are my friends (only because I choose to surround myself with people who are like me) BUT for every one of these women there are 10 who belong to the GDAW (Gold Diggers Association of the World) Women who prey on unsuspecting victims and latches on and sucks it's victim's blood dry. Why oh why? Women fought for equality for the longest time for us, so we can vote, and hold jobs, and pee standing up if we want to - why ruin that for a Gucci purse? How much is your soul worth? Jimmy Choo = Dignity? I think not.
Sadly, I still encounter women who can spot a fake designer bag from 50 feet away but does not know the difference between a ROTH IRA and a traditional IRA, or the difference between an adjusted gross income and an earned income. Most of these women probably have never heard the word income and their name in the same sentence. These are the same women who wonder why there are no good men out there - well, they are all traumatized by women who take and take and never give anything back. Where are the good men? They are out pursuing women who are self reliant and have their own hobbies. Hobbies by the way, isn't collecting designer purses from boyfriends or innocent bystanders.
So, this I say, with loving kindness to all my girls out there. If, while reading this, you felt a slight twinge of guilt, it's probably time to re- position your goals in life and if it didn't - good luck with your search. As I say, live your life however you want to but never take anything that doesn't belong to you and never take credit for something you didn't work for. Always lead an honest, wholesome and positive lifestyle - one you can create without the help of a man's bank account.
Don't wait for a prince to save you, save yourself.
Another wonderfully written piece. I love that you are able to articulate yourself in an honest and matter of fact way but with whimsy and poignancy. I can't wait to read more.