Lately, there have been a lot of things swirling through this noggin of mine. As it is, my head holds a myriad of things in its normal state, so, can you imagine what it is like up there right now? It's like a Jackson Pollock painting, messy but with a purpose.
At 31, I am more humbled by life and the universe and what it's trying to hand me on a daily basis. I've had my fair share of hardships, triumphs, and heavy duty obstacles in my life and through it all, I've emerged into an even stronger, braver person and I am grateful for all those experiences. It has shaped me to be the person I am now and the person I continue to grow into. Every day brings new hope and a plethora of things to be had and discover. If you keep your heart and mind open, you will see them so much better and they will appear with vibrancy and intensity and all you have to do is grab it, put it in your pocket, close your eyes and visualize it into fruition. I am positivity reincarnated. I am forever optimistic about everything in my tiny world, I choose to see things that way because it is for me, a better way to live my life. When I know that I am living with purpose and intention, I tend to be a happier, more loving person.
I am at a crossroad in my life, actually, I'm facing several crossroads at this juncture in my life, and although I'd like to claim that not many things intimidate me, this one is making my heart beat faster and making me sweat a little. I've always had options with everything and anything in my life and that is so wonderful to have but nonetheless, it makes life a bit convoluted at times and perhaps, it is a good thing, it definitely builds character. Because in this world a person with many options are the most susceptible to trickery and temptations and if you don't have your head screwed on right, you're screwed!
Behind door number 1: stability and familiarity; behind door number 2: the great abyss. It's funny, because when I was writing this, I already know what I want between the two. You know why? I didn't get to where I am in my life because I settled or because I chose to stay with the familiar. I am exactly where I am now because I am a warrior, I am a survivor and when given an option, I choose door number 2, over and over. Why? Because I refuse to color inside the lines, because time and time again I choose to grab the bull by its horn and ride that sucker until I've conquered it. This is the spice of life, this is what dreams are made of, this is where I belong, always defying logic, always testing the unchartered waters, always stretching the probability of the impossible, always walking the fine line between my dreams and my reality, always growing, always expanding, always effervescent, never stagnant, never stale, never on auto pilot.
This may not be a coin toss; this may be a simple self exploration of some sort, a little poke into my heart and my complicated mind. I am happy to say that by the end of this blog, I would have already made up my mind. I will follow my heart, I will be true to myself, I will step outside of my comfort zone, because in the end I choose to never have regrets, because in the end, I will be the one who will answer to myself, because in the end a true seeker and adventurer would have taken the path less traveled, if only to discover something amazing amidst all the other things that the ride will do to take your breath away.
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