I am a 34 year old woman who seem normal and unassuming - some people might even call me sweet and friendly and they would be right - for the most part - I have my moments - and like most women I have a WHOLE plethora of emotions ranging from loath, fear, insecurity, anxiety, reluctance, self-pity, self-hate, and for the most part we are expected to keep it all contained in a tight, neat, muffin top free package. That is a lot of pressure! It isn't easy to be a woman these days, with all the unrealistic expectations that are brought on by media from commercials, magazines, newspaper, billboards, posters - all these entities telling us: how to be, who to be, what to be, who to be with - every day, women all over the world, hear a "friendly" voice telling them what to cook, when to cook, how to cook, how to raise your kids, where to raise them, where to enroll them, how to discipline them, what exercise to do for tighter thighs, exercise for muffin tops, flabby arms, six pack, how to be a tiger in bed and a sheep in the street, how to please your man in 500 ways, how to love your naked body in 55 ways, how to look good in skinny jeans, what to say on your first date, how to act on your first date, what men want, what men DONT want, how to be make it to the top in stilettos, how to break the glass ceiling, how to exercise your rights - I don't know about you, but I didn't even have to rack my brain to come up with those and I am already exhausted just thinking about it. TALK ABOUT PRESSURE. No wonder why we are a nation of pill poppers, dope smokers, and alcoholics - I am in no way making excuses for people who use those as avenues to take the edge off ... I am just not judging. I am the last person to judge. We all have our share of things we aren't so proud of and things if we had another chance would want to delete from our record or even our memory (BUT then again those things made us who we are today, and I can NO longer speak for everyone when I say, I am pretty proud of where I am and who I have become)
It's time that we just try and love ourselves, because if we don't nobody else will. It's time to stop the pressure to be the best, the sexiest, the most beautiful, the smartest, the funniest - let's just all support one another to the top, because, if it's one thing I am certain about in life - it is - "what goes around - comes around" it's the law of life and the universe. It is OK not to be the sexiest, or the best cook, or the best at what you do - BUT it shouldn't be OK to use other people to move forward, or back stab, or be untrue to yourself and the people that genuinely love and care for you. We are woman and we are blessed with the ability to be soft and firm with our thoughts and actions and we have the unique gift to be nurturers, so, let's nurture each other back to health. Let's take care of one another and stop with the competition. Life is already hard enough - we all don't need more pressure from each other - let's use this energy to fight the big bad wolf - the media who wants us to think we aren't perfect, that we are lacking and inept - because we aren't. We are beautiful when we are being ourselves, not worried about "being" but JUST being. You are so beautiful - more than you'll ever know.
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